The messages that we communicate to others are so much more than what comes out of our mouths. Our bodies, faces, stances-they all teach the person that you are with something about what is inside your head. Communication is not often something that is explicitly taught, but it should be. We should all learn about how our nonverbal messages might be interpreted-regardless of our intent.
When you read the following article, think about how it applies in your life and the lives of others around you-including children. How do you communicate nonverbally with others? Does your child have an understanding of his or her nonverbal communication? The gestures discussed in this article are very subtle and don't always feel that they are within our control. But we can and should be aware of what these and other nonverbal cues are telling others. Enjoy!
When you read the following article, think about how it applies in your life and the lives of others around you-including children. How do you communicate nonverbally with others? Does your child have an understanding of his or her nonverbal communication? The gestures discussed in this article are very subtle and don't always feel that they are within our control. But we can and should be aware of what these and other nonverbal cues are telling others. Enjoy!