ADHD is a hot topic these days. Diagnosis is on the rise and more and more parents and professionals are trying to determine effective interventions. This article offers a great option for parents and kids. It appears that exercise may help modulate a child's behavior so that they can better attend during more focused, singular tasks. What I like about this article and exercise as a form of treatment is that it is sustainable. ADHD often persists into adulthood and this allows children a way to help modulate their behavior throughout their lives. Another thing I like about exercise is that it is natural. I am not suggesting that exercise should replace medication, but exercise may offer an additional way for children to help focus. Moreover, exercise is good for kids in general! And it allows kids with ADHD to self-treat without standing out from the crowd. The exercise actually alters a child's brain chemistry in a way that helps them focus. I would imagine that this is good for all kids, not just ones with ADHD. So check out the article and let me know your thoughts. Enjoy!